Add Bank or Update Bank

Add or update User's bank


This endpoint is designed to facilitate the addition or updating of a user's bank details. By providing essential bank information, users can ensure their financial details are accurate and up-to-date in the system.





POST /third-party-service/update-bank

Add or update User's bank


Request Body

    "statusCode": 202,
    "data": {
        "statusCode": 202,
        "message": "banks user data",
        "data": {
            "bankName": "Banco",
            "bankNumber": "345854122904778",
            "bankAccountOwner": "Francisco",
            "countryCode": "ARG",
            "icon": null,
            "active": true,
            "id": 59
            "DNI": "56"
    "message": "bank"


Always ensure that the bankAccountOwner is correct. If it differs from the name associated with the user's token, the system will default to using the full name from the token.

Registration by Country:

  • BRA: Register a PIX account Local processor: PIX

  • ARG: CVU/CBU account Local processor: COELSA

  • MEX: CLABE account Local processor: SPEI

Note** These accounts registered will be used to be the recipient bank accounts in "Pay Out Bank". These accounts must be the origin accounts for the "Pay In bank" already registered in alfred.

Specific Information regarding KYC Documents by country can be found here.

Last updated