Required Documents for KYC by Country
Account information required by Country in order to transact in the alfred ecosystem.
Registration by Country:
Brazil: Register a PIX account
PIX is a payment method developed by the Central Bank of Brazil that enables transactions to occur in a couple seconds. Customers receive a PIX string or QR code that contains the amount to pay for services or goods to complete transactions. Customers then pay the PIX, before its expiration date, using their bank apps or internet banking. You’ll receive payment confirmation as soon as the PIX is paid.
Specific document required in Brazil (BRA): CPF
The Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) is the registry maintained by the Federal Revenue of Brazil, where any person must register once, regardless of age or nationality. Each registered person is identified in the country by a unique 11-digit number.
Argentina: Register a CVU/CBU account
CBU (Uniform Bank Code) is a unique identification code, made up of 22 digits, for each bank account. The code provides account information: type, number, the bank it belongs to, and the branch. An alias can be assigned to ease the need of providing the full 22-digit code, instead they can indicate an alias previously assigned to the account. CVU (Uniform Virtual Key) a unique identification code, made up of 22 digits as well, with a function to facilitate the operation between users of payment service providers (electronic wallets, prepaid cards, etc) and the financial system. It is composed of a first block (from digit 1 to 8), which identifies the PSP (payment service providor) to which it belongs, and the second block (from digit 9 to 22) identifies the user. Like the CBU, CVU holders can generate an alphanumeric CVU alias to streamline financial transactions.
Specific document required in Argentina (ARG): CUIT
The CUIT (Unique Tax Identification Key) is a code with which the AFIP identifies self-employed workers, businesses and companies. Any individual that initiates an economic activity must register with various government agencies, including the AFIP. Upon registration, a CUIT is granted by AFIP; thus, he/she acquires a tax identity via third parties, and is therefore entitled to develop its activities on a legal basis.
Mexico: Register a CLABE account
CLABE is a unique 18-digit identifier for every bank account in Mexico. CLABE is short for Clave Bancaria Estandarizada which is the Spanish term for standard bank code. The first 6 digits represent the bank and branch, the following 11 digits represent the account number, and the final is a control digit that is used to validate the entire code.
Specific document required in Mexico (MEX): INE or CURP
An INE (Instituto Nacional Electoral) Card can be translated as the National Electoral Institute Card, this document is an official form of identification in Mexico. It contains an individuals up to date address, name, and other other important data points in order to safely process transactions.
The National ID Number (CURP) is an 18-character alphanumeric code. The CURP is an ID number provided by the Mexican government to Mexican citizens and residents. This can also be an acceptable form of identification in Mexico.
Note** These accounts registered will be used to be the recipient bank accounts in "Pay Out Bank" and these accounts must be the origin accounts for the "Pay In bank."
Last updated