Approval Invoice (Pay Out Only)

Approval or Cancel Invoice


This endpoint is tailored to approve or cancel an invoice. It offers a streamlined process to validate transactions and ensure that all financial operations align with the intended actions.





Note** Replace {id} with the appropriate invoice identifier.

PUT /third-party-service/invoice/{id}

Approval or Cancel Invoice


Request Body

    "statusCode": 202,
    "data": true,
    "message": "update Invoice"


Ensure that the appropriate status value ("approved" or "cancel") is set based on the intended operation. The invoicehash is a security measure, a hash or a secret token associated with the invoice. Ensure it's provided correctly to authenticate and validate the operation.

If transaction is a "Pay-out" invoice is approved by customer and sent via webhook.

If transaction is a "Pay-in" invoice is approved by alfred.

Last updated