Consult Individual Invoice by Invoice ID

Consult an invoice of a Withdrawal or Deposit by ID


This endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed information for a specific invoice by its unique ID. It's designed to offer a granular view of individual transactions, providing clarity on financial operations.





Note** Replace {id} with the appropriate invoice identifier.

GET /third-party-service/invoice/{id}

Consult an invoice of a Withdrawal or Deposit by ID


    "statusCode": 202,
    "message": "list invoice/transaction",
        "id": "efdfb17f-b83b-4452-bb2b-1cb2ee80b250",
        "status_webview": "completed",
        "estatus_invoice": "pending",
        "start_time": "2023-06-27T20:03:08.795Z",
        "end_time": "2023-06-27T20:03:08.795Z",
        "balance": "1",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "user": "@Peter",
        "expire_invoice": false,
        "walletpay": "bc1………….",
        "memo": "xq0Hpu4BsJzWBGu4LdJmSJ7WdN4G",
        "network": "BTC LN",
        "chain": "BTC",
        "method": {
            "id": "bd7537a5-ddf6-4a64-a442-f5a86630d079",
            "transaction": "c663b28d-df01-4222-a197-7974700c55f8",
            "user": "Peter",
            "kyc": "true",
            "country_withdraw": "ARG",
            "cashout": "BANK",
            "cash_amount": "100.00",
            "currency_pay": "ARS",
            "rate": "89.00",
            "status": "pending",
            "time_estimate_payout": "68000",
            "time_payout": "",
            "commission": "0",
            "KYB": true,
            "date": "2023-06-27T20:03:08.788Z"


When querying for a specific invoice, ensure that the {id} in the Node URL is replaced with the appropriate invoice identifier. Always make sure that the provided api-key and api-secret are accurate and have the necessary permissions to retrieve the invoice details. Approval Invoice has the same Node URL but different modes, ensure the correct mode is being used.

Last updated